SCMO is speaking about "Blockchain introduction in the logistics sector" at Logtech Asia Forum

SCMO will be speaking in Hong Kong on Wednesday 11th of January 2017 about "Blockchain introduction and its applications in the logistics industry" at the LogTech Asia Forum at KPMG organized by the GSCC - Global Supply Chain Council.

The presentation abstract reads:

Blockchain is the new buzzword. But what does it mean? What is it? What does it do? Where does it apply? Why blockchain? Why don’t I understand it? Where does it belong? Does it apply to finance only or to transportation also? This presentation introduces blockchain to you in simple words, not finance or IT words, but simple words. So you will understand where it comes from, why the hype, what it is, and where it applies.

Nicolas de Loisy

Advisory specialized in logistics, transportation, and supply chain management.