SCMO presents "Mongolia logistics Infrastructure"

SCMO presented a presentation regarding "Mongolia logistics infrastructure" to a client that asked us to disseminate this information in closed circles.

This presentation describes Mongolia logistics infrastructure with a systemic approach, through its:

  1. Trade flows (mix, exports, imports, economic complexity, mining, agriculture, energy, food, e-commerce),

  2. Modal aspect (water, rail, road, air, logistics),

  3. Financial aspect (corruption, corruption process, political risk, FDI risk mitigation, FDI channels, financial institutions), and

  4. 32 current logistics infrastructure projects that Mongolia is involved with locally and regionally.

We are happy to share this presentation graciously with those who ask us for it. Please ask us in the comments below with your information or through the contact form and we shall come back to you.

Nicolas de Loisy

Advisory specialized in logistics, transportation, and supply chain management.