Chapter "Pipeline transportation"
Chapter "Pipeline transportation"
This chapter is an excerpt of the book. It is not the entire book. Repeat, it is NOT the entire book! This chapter is offered with the introduction, the conclusion, and the interview included. The icon shown is not the reflect of this chapter’s content, nor does it suggest that such graph exists in this chapter. This file is a PDF and weights 20 MB. All prices are in USD.
Here is the precise content that is offered in this PDF file:
Praise for Transportation and the Belt and Road Initiative
List of abbreviations
Map 1 BRI 6 corridors
1. Introduction
(Removed content)
Figure 9 Pipeline transportation
8. Pipeline transportation
China oil pipelines
China gas pipelines
Belt and Road Initiative
(Removed content)
14. Conclusion
Photo 1 Interview with Madame Diana CHO
15. Interview
What is your background?
Do you have memories of China before the Cultural Revolution, through your father and grandfather?
How do you perceive China?
How do you perceive the world?
How do you perceive China in the world?
What do you think about the Belt and Road Initiative?
What do you think about globalization?
What do you think about soft power and hard power?
What do you know about transportation?
What do you know about sustainability?
How do you see the world in 10 years?
How do you see the world in 20 years?
If you had the power to change the world, what would you do?
Which are the three books that you would recommend?
If you had three advices to give to the next generation, what would it be?
(Removed content)
17. Lists of Tables, Photos, Figures and Maps
List of tables
List of maps
List of photos
List of figures
About the Author