SCMO publishes across a variety of platforms, and all of our external content is available via the Publications section of this website. This includes stand-alone articles, white papers, reports, newsletters, and knowledge & insights in English language. Most access is free, and all content is copyrighted either by SCMO or by their original publisher.
Explore our publications, use and download for free information on the issues that matter to you. You are welcome to share this information with friends and colleagues, who shall benefit from it. You are also welcome to share the links to our library and introduce SCMO website by using the social media icons available. SCMO Publications is home to:
Books: Books that SCMO Research publishes, such as “Transportation and the Belt and Road Initiative”.
Logistics data sheets: Those allow you to know all details of export & import duties, taxes, regulations, and exceptions of an HS code/ product from any country to any country in the most precise details.
RSS feed: When you wish to publish content by feeding from our RSS, where we publish our logistics newsletter, cultural newsletter, and SCMO newsletter.
Logistics newsletter: These articles are written on subjects related to the logistics world as we see it. Globally, regionally, and locally. From various angles including financial, legal, infrastructure, operational, regulatory, strategic, sectorial, analytical...etc.
Cultural newsletter: This newsletter is focused on the economical, social, and cultural aspects of the ecosystem in which we constantly bathe, and which defines us. Indeed it impacts indirectly but also constantly the variables of the logistics industry in each region of the world.
SCMO newsletter: This newsletter concerns SCMO as an advisory firm, and our offering of services specialized in logistics, transportation, and supply chain management. We highlight new services, new people, new offices, new milestones, and new events.
Logistics news: For you to stay up-to-date with the latest logistics news, we publish a Rss feed collected from numerous web-based logistics websites, publications, magazines, and associations.
Insight & knowledge: Mostly insights, facts, figures, links, and contacts we consider essential in the logistics, transportation, and supply chain management industry. This is a "must-have" in every practitioner's hand-book in the logistics sector.
Logistics training: You shall find here training videos relative to the logistics industry.
Logistics infrastructure: You shall find here videos relative to the logistics industry infrastructure, as well as Earth infrastructure, as transportation and logistics is directly depending on it.
Transportation traffic visualization: These videos allow you to visualize the intensity and complexity of multimodal transportation on our planet.
Weather monitoring: Here is a marvelous live weather monitoring system that allows you to know all weather conditions, anywhere on the planet, and with every depth, details, and precision you wish.
The creation of knowledge supports SCMO’s core mission: helping our clients achieve distinctive, lasting, and substantial performance improvements. We publish our people's insights and those of external experts to help advance the practice of logistics and provide leaders with facts on which to base business and policy decisions. Views expressed by third-party authors are theirs alone.
This information, tools, and knowledge do not replace in anyway SCMO advisors professional advice. For any further question, please do not hesitate to contact our office nearest to you.
“The only source of knowledge is experience.”